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Taonga Soko

I am a Zambian student who after completing my general education requirements and getting my high school diploma spent two years in South Wales, further completing the International Baccalaureate at Atlantic College (UWC) and becoming a Davis Scholar. At St. Lawrence, I am currently a senior studying Computer Science interested in AI, Web programming and Backend Software development.

Mirko Dibra

I am Mirko Dibra, my hometown is Shkoder, Albania, but I have been studying abroad in the past couple of years in Japan and now the US. I have always had this deep passion for Mathematics and number in General so from a young age I have been engaged in numerous Mathematical Olympiads like EMC, Albanian National Math Olympiad, BMO. This passion for numbers has been reflected also in my work goals where I want to work Quantitative Analysis, or even as an Actuary. Hence, I am planning to major in Mathematics and Computer Science. 

James Lubkowitz

My name is James (Jax) Lubkowitz and I am in the class of 2024 at St. Lawrence University. At St. Lawrence I study Computer Science and Biology and strive to apply computational aspects and skills to the sciences. I am interested in the field of genetics with a focus on assembly and analysis components. I grew up in Richmond, Vermont and went to Mount Mansfield Union Highschool.  Outside of the classroom, I am the captain of the Nordic ski team and enjoys any and all outdoor activity.

Glendalys Medina

Glendalys Medina is a computer science and creative writing double major here at St.Lawrence University. She spends her time working as the Event Coordinator for La Sociedad, a club dedicated to amplifying Latinx voices in the SLU community. She also is one of this year's Townhouse Coordinators so you can find her building community amongst the senior living space. 

Brandon Dickson

I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at St. Lawrence University and working to better my programming skills. My passions include people, technology, design and I enjoy problem-solving as I utilize my creativity to find innovative solutions to broadly and common relevant problems. I always strive to give my full potential in my work and to grow individually, as a member of a group/community, as well as in software and technology. My colleagues would describe me as a fast learner and ebullient.

Laura Bolduc

Laura Bolduc fellowship description


Laura Bolduc is in the graduating class of 2024 at St. Lawrence University. She is both a computer science and environmental studies/mathematics combined major. Her interests in both of these fields are what drew her to using machine learning to identify animal presence in game camera images for her SLU fellowship. In the future she hopes to continue this research, improving it to be used commonly for environmental research. On campus she also works as a peer tutor and computer science teaching assistant, along with being a member of the varsity swim team. 

Grace Cicchinelli


Denoising Protein Images with Deep Learning
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
3D Ferritin Molecules
Series: Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

Grace Cicchinelli, Class of 2023 at St. Lawrence University, is a Computer Science Major and Music Minor. Grace is a mentor at the Peterson Quantitative Resource Center, as well as a student technician at the IT Helpdesk in ODY Library. She plays the flute and piccolo in the St. Lawrence University Wind Ensemble, is the inaugural President of the Ultimate Frisbee Team, and is a member of the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society.

Cai Lemieux Mack


Cai Lemieux Mack ‘23 majors in Computer Science and Mathematics and minors in Music. He is particularly interested in the physical applications of Computer Science. Cai is a captain of the club Ultimate Frisbee team, a mentor at the Peterson Quantitative Resource Center, and a Teaching Assistant in the Math, Computer Science & Statistics department. He is also a member of the Pi Mu Epsilon math honors society as well as the ODK society.

Anamo kisho

Ethiopian Cuisines
Lake Awasa

My name is Anamo Kisho, and I am from  Hawassa, Ethiopia, a small town around Lake Awasa. It is a beautiful town with an amazing view of the Sunset. I grew up in a Christian family, and religion has shaped me into the person I am today. I put great value on my family because family is the most important thing for me. I speak Amharic, Sidama and English.


Henan Drama

Hello, I'm Yijia, from China, now studying at St. Lawrence University. I can speak two languages, Chinese and English. I like playing basketball and computer games. I'm a member of the game club.

I am interested in many different things, but I want to choose computer science because I think computers will play an important role in many fields.

I like walking in the forest. I like animals and plants, but I'm really afraid of insects = =. Besides, I really like our Chinese food. 😎


Haille Perkins

Haille Perkins '22 majors in Physics and Computer Science and is particularly interested in Computational Astrophysics. This interest led her to the research that she conducted with Dr. Aileen O'Donoghue in the summer of 2020 and 2021. A highlight of working with Dr. O'Donoghue was a trip to the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico where Haille learned more about the process used to observe radio emissions from galaxies. During this time, she was able to explore the types of work that occurs in the radio division of astronomy and hopes to experience other areas in the future.

Tian Cui

young girl

Hi, my name is Tian Cui, a girl who lives in Nantong, Jiangsu, China. Nantong is a small city that close to Shanghai and Su Zhou. I am studying as a college student in St. Lawrence University, a university which is locate in Canton, NY. I speak two language: Chinese My first language) and English.

Arman Tavana


GreenCafe Website
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
This is the reservation page of the Website
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Arman Tavana is a Computer Science major graduating in May 2021. Arman has a great passion for design, so it was a great opportunity for him to apply his knowledge to create a tangible product using different programming tools such as JavaScript and HTML. This project provided a perfect platform for him to be prepared for grad school in terms of working closely with a mentor. It also provided valuable experience in working for a client and understanding their needs that would be vital to a professional career. This process ignited his passion in doing research work.

Yu Song


Creating a “Musician” by Deep Learning
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Banner Creating Computer Generated Music
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Yu Song '21 majors in computer science and statistics and is from China. She is interested in artificial intelligence and data analysis. This project gave her a good chance to know more about deep learning, one of the branch in machine learning of AI. She believes that this project provides a direction for her to continue with a graduate program or pursue a career in related field.

Yanru Chen


Using Deep Learning to Detect Fake Images
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Summer Fellowship on Deep Fake Detection
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Yanru Chen, class of 2021 a senior graduate who is double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science, minoring in Music, comes from Chongqing, China. While Yanru expressed her interest in facial recognition and image classification, she broadened her perspective and hands-on knowledge through the school fellowship project with Dr.Ed Harcourt in the summer of 2020.