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Class Year:

Hi, my name is Tian Cui, a girl who lives in Nantong, Jiangsu, China. Nantong is a small city that close to Shanghai and Su Zhou. I am studying as a college student in St. Lawrence University, a university which is locate in Canton, NY. I speak two language: Chinese My first language) and English.

I have a little sister, Yi Cui , who is just 7 years old. She came to my side since i was in junior High school. She is so cute that I love her. I like to dress her in nice clothes and then take photos for her. She is also close to my and want to follow me everywhere. Although i am studying abroad, our relationship is not be affected.

I am ready to major in Math and Economic and want to major in Business in the future, because I am good at math since I am an elementary school students and want to have a major that is more close to my parents' field.

I like playing mobile games. The favorite game that I am playing during this period is "Honor of Kings". I always play it with my friends.



嗨,我叫崔天。我家住在中国江苏南通。南通是一个很靠近上海和苏州的小城市。我现在就读于St. Lawrence University.这所学校坐落于纽约坎顿。我擅长于两种语言: 中文(我的第一语言)和英语。

我有一个七岁的小妹妹:崔祎。 在我初中的时候他来到了我的身边。她非常可爱我很喜欢她。 我喜欢给她穿漂亮的衣服并给她拍照片。同样的她也很粘我, 我去哪里她就想去哪里。虽然我现在在国外上学,我们的感情并没有任何变化。

我的专业是数学和经济,并且我准备专业商学在我研究生的时候。 因为我从小就比较擅长数学。 同事我又很想有一个和我父母工作领域贴近的专业。

我很喜欢玩手机游戏。我这段时间最喜欢的手机游戏是“王者荣耀”。 我总是和我的朋友们一起玩。

Profile Picture
young girl
Which languages do you speak?
Chinese and English

