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Norah Kuduk


Norah Kuduk '25 is pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Statistics and is also a swim team member. This has given her a unique perspective on campus when considering the intersection of athletics and academics. As a student-athlete, she seeks to balance the two halves of her college experience by using her experiences to enhance the other. Her personal experience as an athlete was partially the purpose of her summer fellowship project, developing a fitness/physical therapy app for customizable tracking and routines.

Jacqueline Heitmann

I am a recent Class of 2024 graduate with a BS in Statistics and a minor in Computer Science. My academic interests are heavily focused in pursuing statistical applications in the fields of environmental conservation and/or anthropology. Currently, I am one of two Melvin Ember interns at Yale's Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), spending most of my day-to-day life conducting cross-cultural research and performing analysis and data collection/entry for the eHRAF database. 

Anna Fitzgerald

I am a current senior at SLU, I am double majoring in Psychology and Statistics with a minor in African Studies. Through my time at SLU, I've cultivated a deep-rooted interest in how the complexities of human behavior coupled with the use of quantitative data-analysis impact the international educational landscape. 

My recent semester in Kenya has furthered this interest, providing me with invaluable firsthand experience living, working, and studying across various cultures. 

Alexa Santana Lugo

My name is Alexa, and I was born in Venezuela, though I’ve lived in several places, including Europe, a small Caribbean island, and now the U.S. This diverse upbringing fueled my intellectual curiosity, particularly about economics. Growing up amidst Venezuela's hyperinflation, rationing, and black markets sparked my deep interest in understanding complex economic systems. I pursued my passion at a United World College and am now working toward a double degree in Economics and Statistics.

Tanner Bessette

I am currently a Junior at St. Lawrence University and a member of the SLU class of 2025. I am a double major in Statistics and Mathematics and I also have taken some computer science courses here at SLU. On campus I am a captain for the SLU Men's Club Soccer team, and this summer I completed a summer fellowship through the Statistics department.

Trent Meyer

My name is Trent Meyer, and I am a senior majoring in Statistics and minoring in Public Health from Croghan, NY. My interests are using data visualization techniques to view public health data sets. My goal is to continue onto graduate school to get my masters in epidemiology.

Craig Wilkes

Craig Wilkes (he/him) is a senior from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey studying Anthropology and Statistics. This summer, Craig was able to do research in Anthropology through the SLU fellows program.  His research focuses on the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic affected funeral directors' work and the mourning process. This topic was inspired by an Anthropology course that covers how people and cultures deal with death, and was developed with the help of his faculty mentors.

Alyssa Bigness

My name is Alyssa, and I'm a student in the class of 2024. I’m double majoring in mathematics and statistics. My research interests consist of different applications of mathematics, including theoretical mathematics, and statistics applications using R Studio. After St. Lawrence University, I plan to study mathematics in graduate school and pursue a career in mathematics.

Yu Wang


Detecting Real Disasters through Twitter
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Detecting Real Disasters in Twitter
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Yu Wang is one of the SLU 2022 students. She majors in math and stats and interested in data analysis. The project conducted in summer 2020 by her gave her a great chance of learning more strategies for manipulating and analyzing data. Data analyst is her dream job. The project is worth for expansion, and she plans to go further with this in her SYE.

Yu Song


Creating a “Musician” by Deep Learning
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Banner Creating Computer Generated Music
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Yu Song '21 majors in computer science and statistics and is from China. She is interested in artificial intelligence and data analysis. This project gave her a good chance to know more about deep learning, one of the branch in machine learning of AI. She believes that this project provides a direction for her to continue with a graduate program or pursue a career in related field.

Xiao Luo

Xiao Luo, '22, is majoring in mathematics and statistics. Keeping track of the latest news of COVID-19 outbreak has inspired her to explore a mathematical model of the transmission of COVID-19 and the efficacy of different management strategies in the summer of 2020 because this topic is closely related to her hometown, China. This whole research process greatly develops her professional skills and knowledge and enhance the academic experience, which will benefit to her future career development, including applications to graduate schools.

Caroline Krall


Music and Emotion in Shiny
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
statistical graphic for shiny app
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Caroline Krall, ‘21, is a Statistics and Government major from St. Paul, MN. As a member of the Laurentian Singers all four years at St. Lawrence University, she was able to relate her love of music to her summer research project by using Spotify data to visualize emotions in music. She hopes to be able to apply what she learned about creating Web apps and interactive data visualizations to future work in graduate school and her career.

Morgan Cappa

Morgan Cappa is a member of the class of 2021. She is a Statistics major with a minor in Italian Studies, having completed the Clare Boothe Luce 2020 Summer Fellowship specified for women in STEM. Morgan hopes to continue onto a graduate program in statistics, for which the statistical skills and knowledge gained from this research project will be incredibly useful. Morgan will also be able to expand on her research conducted during the summer fellowship during the 2020-2021 school year as the focus of her Senior Year Independent Project.

Brenden Bready


Injuries and Playing Surface in the NFL
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Injuries and Playing Surface in the NFL title page
Series: Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Brenden Bready '22 is a mathematics and statistics major at St. Lawrence University. As an active club soccer player, he enjoys the idea of using math to identify patterns in sports, which inspired the idea for this project. He often plays on soccer turf himself, so he was very curious about the possibility of non-contact injury through movement. He hopes to continue using various analytics techniques to pursue further research about patterns in sports through the rest of his time at St. Lawrence.

Joshua Marvald


Josh Marvald, '21, is majoring in mathematics and statistics with the intention of applying to statistics PhD programs. Josh is also working with Dr. Matt Higham this semester on a continuation of their fellowship project. They are looking into different machine learning methods to predict the outcome of tennis matches.

Siyuan Zhang


Siyuan (Tom) Zhang is a member of the Class of '22. He majors in Statistics and Computer Science and is passionate about data analysis and programming. In his free time, Tom loves to build web applications, and he is obsessed with anything related to data; that is why he participated in 2020's SLU Fellowship Program. Tom also believes that his project has potential for expansion, and he plans to conduct further research in his senior year. After graduation, Tom would like to attain a master's degree and pursue a career in Data Science.