Find Sort by DefaultScholar NameProject Title Polar Amplification's Impact on Boreal Forests: Insights from the Silvertip Black Spruce Chronology, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska - Lindsay McTague Azo-Dye Sequestration and Degradation Using Metal-Organic Frameworks - Liyou Sisay Study of the sequestration and degradation of azo dye using MOF-545 - Julia Hahne Challenging Colonial narratives - Berenice Gervacio Petrographic and stable isotope analysis of the Early Jurassic warming and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE), Croatia - Avery Pope Into the Woods: Storytelling through printmaking - Carmiña Goya The Synthesis of Novel Acylated Proflavine Derivatives - Kathryn Pogue Using AI for Hardening Software and Defending Against Attack - Amanda Gagne American Presidential Reconstruction - Elijah White Researching Non-Binary Experiences in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Nach Insaurralde Growing up “Hispanic”: How Colonization affects us - Bryan Altuna Storytelling in Video Games: A Study of How Narrative is Implemented in Games - Moises Peralta Sally Rooney: Sex, Labor, and Aesthetics - Nicole Franco A Fragile State of Affairs - Alex Ferguson Microplastics in our environment: Concentration determination and characterization of microplastics in St. Lawrence River, native clam tissues and fecal matter - Istvan Balogh Volunteering in the Philippines: Hockey, Health, and Academic Engagement - Kristina Bahl Mapping Digital Dissent in the 21st Century - İrem Tuana Çiftçi An Experiment in Using AI for Cross-Platform App Development - Norah Kuduk Invasive Water Chestnut in Northern New York Waters - Maggie Layman Investigating Solvent Effects and a Potential Application of the Wagner-Jauregg Reaction - Jason Stasio Time Perception of ADHD and PTSD in Female SHRs - Madeline Musterait Pilot Study: Using Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training to Prevent Emotional Labor and Mental Health Disorders - Em Perez A Praxis of Policing Grounded in The Ethics of Care - Max Rapoport Deep Learning for Audio Categorization - Cooper Anderson Testing Alternative Modals of Anorthosite Placement in the Adirondack Mountains - Sam Sternhagen Comparing the Microplastic Content of Freshwater Bivalves from Rural and Urban Lakes - Maggie Mooney Effects of stress hormones and thyroid hormones on tadpole program cell death and resorption. - Ravi D. Pavana Exploring Visual Representations of Mandelbrot Escape Velocity - Eliza Brown Croatia's agriculture – examining the structural components to explore major cultural shifts caused by changes in agricultural practices in the 21st Century - Laura Ivošević How much are follow-up interventions for workplace training worth? - Sirus Minovi Investigating philosophical foundations for therapeutic models to treat addiction - Caroline Mower Mapping Digital Dissent in the 21st Century - Sofia Macero Piñango On the Comprehension of Speaker-Meaning - Elwood Warren-Kuelgen Literary and Linguistic Exploration of Ovid's Metamorphoses - Abby Barton The Healing Nature of Community: A Creative Writing Exploration - Annika Waskiewicz The Implications of Technology Use on the Ability to Feel a Sense of Belongingness - Elizabeth Poe