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Hanna Nelson

Hanna Nelson is an international student at St. Lawrence University, she is in the class of 2027 and she is from Kerala, also known as "God's own country" - a state in the south of India. Hanna would like to major in Psychology also she is interested in Government studies. As a person who grew up in a huge diverse country - in religions as well as in languages which is more than 100, Hanna has learned to accept others' opinions and respect others' beliefs from a small age.

Yanisa (Opor) Promkaewtor

The mountain in my hometown!
I love photography!!

Mango sticky rice. Beautiful beaches. Big buddha. That is what people always remember about my country. I have no choice but to say that mango sticky rice is an amazing dessert, although it is not my favorite dish. I came from a small mountain town in the north, so I never experienced beautiful beaches until the age of 17. I am not religious either, but I love to bring my international friends visit several temples to show how grand they are. Yes, I am from Thailand, the country that resembles an ax on the Southeast Asia map!

Yuchang (Alice) Zhang

张彧畅 (Alice Zhang) is an international undergraduate student at St. Lawrence University double majoring in Psychology and Philosophy. Witnessing people continually suffer from mental health problems without proper help motivated her to become a future clinical therapist. Her passion for philosophy has led her to a unique pathway wanting to help individual souls through the thinking tools and thought-provoking contents of applied philosophy.

Elena (Ellie) Shaw

Collection of stickers in support of Women's Rights
Part of the Catalan Independence movement collection
Picture of stickers that highlight groups such as JERC, Podemos, and CNT-AIT

Hello! I am Ellie Shaw, a dynamic individual from the class of 2024. I am pursuing a double major in Psychology and Hispanic Studies, along with a minor in Public Health. I have a fervor for art and its potential to drive change. With this, I have embraced the role of an activist in advocating for sociopolitical causes. I aspire to become an art lawyer, leveraging my expertise to protect and promote artists' rights and creative expression. Beyond my academic pursuits, I find solace and joy in the great outdoors, often spending my free time hiking, climbing, or riding my bike!

Annalise Panici

I am currently a junior at St Lawrence University studying creative writing and psychology. On campus I am coordinator and founder of our wellness program's SLU Flow Project, which engages students in functional movement to build community and practical nervous system regulation skills. I am also a member of the Lighthouse, which is a theme house living community dedicated to providing mental wellness resources to our campus (and the greater St Lawrence area).

Bridget Hastings

Bridget Hasting '25 is studying psychology with an education and sociology minor at SLU. Her career goals and educational aspirations include completing a  Psych-doctorate after finishing her undergrad at SLU. Her current professional goal is to work as a school psychologist or a psychologist in a mental health facility. She is not limiting herself to any age group to work with, and she also has experience working with a wide range of disabilities. 


Ayesha Khatun

My name is Ayesha Khatun, and I am rising senior majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sociology. Within campus I am a Community Assistant and a staff of the Launder Science Library. I also a McNair Scholar, an active member of ICC, and a recipient of the Gilman Scholarship. The past couple of semesters I have had the privilege of doing animal research with rats regarding delayed discounting and social-anxiety like behavior.

Bobby Wells

My name is Bobby Wells, and I am from Canton, New York. I am currently a junior at St. Lawrence University. I am a Psychology major with a Government minor. I play Men's Lacrosse at St. Lawrence and am also part of a rollerblading club. When I am not playing lacrosse, blading, or busy with academics, I like to hang out with friends, play chess, and golf.

Alexandria Szabo

My passion in educational psychology is driven by my desire to help the forces that are pushing for social and emotional learning (SEL) to be integrated into U.S. public school curriculum. Connecting with my younger self I imagine the impact such an education (SEL) could have had on my experience. In a world that is rapidly changing due to climate change and growing technology, why aren't we equipping young children with the skills to be emotionally competent, socially aware, resilient, and motivated. Instead, public U.S.

Morgan Cleary

Morgan Cleary is a current senior and member of the class of 2023 at St. Lawrence. She is currently majoring in Psychology with a variety of minors. After completing her degree, she hopes to further her education by attending graduate school. As for a career, she is passionate about evaluating and researching developmental disorders in young children, however, is still open to a wide range of possibilities.

Daniel Calbo

I am currently a senior at St. Lawrence from Cheshire, Connecticut and have been a member of the varsity football program since my arrival on campus.  As a double major in business in the liberal arts and psychology I have taken part in a diverse educational experience that has given me a strong understanding of a variety of topics and fields unlike anything I could have imagined.  I will be spending my final semester at SLU participating in a study abroad program in Sorrento, Italy this fall before venturing out into my post graduation endeavors.

Paige Meshcon

Paige Meshcon is a part of the class of 2023 and is double majoring in English and Psychology, with an Education minor. Her research combines all her areas of study, as she explores both the subject area of English and the psychological developments students experience during high school. After graduating from St. Lawrence, Meshcon plans to earn her masters of teaching, with the intention of becoming a high school English teacher.