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Class of 2025
Education (certification)
Bridget Hasting '25 is studying psychology with an education and sociology minor at SLU. Her career goals and educational aspirations include completing a Psych-doctorate after finishing her undergrad at SLU. Her current professional goal is to work as a school psychologist or a psychologist in a mental health facility. She...


Summer 2023

This summer I got to intern at Healing H'Arts Equestrian Center, Inc. working to provide physical and emotional well-being to all ages and abilities through equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT). I was responsible for mentoring and providing developmental support for individuals from ages 2-21, Veterans, and adults with developmental disabilities. Also, working directly with the growing population of individuals on the autism spectrum, with traumatic brain injuries, and with neuromuscular impairments. I worked hands-on with clientele and my mentor to gain unforgettable skills. I got to see how beneficial hippotherapy can be for physical pains, sensory issues or needs, and emotional and speech improvement. I'm excited to share the skills I learned in my future courses and professional goals. 

42.799030314705, -76.65049715
