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Class Year:

I am currently a junior at St Lawrence University studying creative writing and psychology. On campus I am coordinator and founder of our wellness program's SLU Flow Project, which engages students in functional movement to build community and practical nervous system regulation skills. I am also a member of the Lighthouse, which is a theme house living community dedicated to providing mental wellness resources to our campus (and the greater St Lawrence area). Music is also a passion of mine: I am the secretary of Sinners acapella team at St Lawrence University and have studied opera and classical harp for over ten years (competing in All State performances in Maine and the National Association for Teachers of Singing competitions). My creativity flows in other ways as well: I am the cofounder of Poetry Alive Club at St Lawrence University (a club dedicated to giving students a safe space to share and build on their personal creative work) and was a finalist for the 2022 AWP Intro Journals award in poetry. Outside of my passions and classroom experience, I was also able to study on the Adirondack Semester, which was a living, learning community based out of a yurt village in the Adirondacks (earning me an outdoor studies minor). Because St Lawrence has given so much to me, I give back as a peer tutor in the WORD studio writing center. My tutoring philosophy centers around linguistic anti-racsim and creating a space for open academic discourse with a focus in growth.

With wellness, music, writing, educating, and psychology, I always feel like I have more to learn!

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