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Madeline Haines

Madeline Haines is an Environmental Studies and Art major at St Lawrence University. She has an interest in sustainable agriculture and hopes to continue her passion once graduating this coming spring (May, 2025). This summer she interned at Birdsfoot farm, which she has been working on each fall since joining the Greenhouse Theme House on campus. 

Catherine O'Neill

Catherine O'Neill 25' is a first-generation college student from Parsippany, New Jersey, studying for her BA in Environmental Studies and Francophone Studies. She is interested in the prospect of promoting food security and community resilience through community agriculture and locally-grown initiatives as well as the various ways urban environments can be transformed to support social and environmental sustainability.

Grace Brouillette

Grace Brouillette, class of 2023 of St. Lawrence University (SLU), is an environmental studies major and an educational studies minor. She is heavily involved in SLU's select chamber choir, the Laurentian Singers, as well as her work-study at the WORD Studio, SLU's communication center. She is one of three student assistant directors at the WORD Studio and has been working there since the beginning of her sophomore year. For her final year at SLU, she will be living in the Arts Annex, a theme house dedicated to the celebration of music and performing arts!

Amanda Barreto Salgueiro

My main areas of academic focus and activism are climate change and communication. I come from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and have lived in Trieste, Italy where I attended UWC Adriatic. I have three years of experience in citizen journalism, that includes written pieces, podcast and social media work. I was a speaker at the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas 2021 and was invited to the UN  Headquarters in New York City to share my thoughts on youth's engagement in 2019.

Alessandro Marangelli

Alessandro helping to construct a bridge of cement for Los Campesinos, Costa Rica on the 19th of February 2020.

The picture was taken by Alessandro with the self-timer.


Alessandro helping to construct a bridge of cement for Los Campesinos, Costa Rica on the 19th of February 2020.

Alessandro participating in a protest after the 18 years old daughter of one of his teachers was killed by her boyfriend. Alajuela, Costa Rica 18th of November 2019.

The picture was taken by Alessandro.


Alessandro participating in a protest after the 18 years old daughter of one of his teachers was killed by her boyfriend. Alajuela, Costa Rica 18th of November 2019.

Alessandro reaching the top of Mt Arab, New York on the 12th of October 2020.

The picture was taken by Alessandro with the self-timer.


Alessandro reaching the top of Mt Arab, New York on the 12th of October 2020.

Hi, I'm Alessandro Marangelli '24 and I use He/ They pronouns. I am an International student from Italy and a UWC alumn. I am double majoring in Anthropology and Environmental Studies, and minoring in Global Studies. I decided to study these fields because I am interested in the intersection of environmental, cultural, spiritual, physical, and social sustainability because I am a firm believer that there is no real sustainability without all of them and equality and equity.

Alejandra Altamirano Salazar


Alejandra Altamirano Salazar is a rising senior at St. Lawrence University. Originally from Costa Rica, she is pursuing a double major in Studio Art and Environmental Studies and a minor in Caribbean and Latin American Studies. Altamirano's interests revolve around sustainability, food systems and advocacy, and the intersection of both the artistic and environmental disciplines. Altamirano is a United World College Costa Rica '19 and Global Citizen Year Program '20 alumni. 

Victoria Oakes

Victoria Oakes ’21 is majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in Arabic Studies. As a McNair scholar, she was motivated during the summer of 2020 to study insecticides, looking at the relationship between wild bees, neonicotinoid use, and neonicotinoid policy in the United States. Victoria is also passionate about the Arab World, as she studied abroad in Jordan in fall 2019 and she is also the Arabic 103 TA for fall 2020. On campus, she is a member of Euphrates Institute and Arabic Club. After she graduates from St.