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Class of 2025
Computer Science
My name is Jack Capizzi. I was born in Connecticut but moved to Toronto, Canada following my graduation from high school. I am a junior at St. Lawrence majoring in Economics and minoring in Computer Science. My strong passion for technology and business has led me to be interested in...
Summer 2023

This summer I interned at Intellegam, a tech startup located in Munich, Germany. I had always wanted to intern at a startup due to the increased responsibility and being able to see the impact of my work in real time. I was given a variety of tasks ranging from maintaining and updating databases to developing my own virtual AI assistant to be deployed on its own website. 

During my time in Munich, I was fortunate to meet and learn from many successful founders in the startup space. I sat in on many meetings and workshops and learned how to effectively communicate and pitch to potential customers. The collaborative atmosphere is what I enjoyed most of my experience. I became very close with the founders and was encouraged to bounce ideas off of them and ask questions. 

The work I am most proud of is the virtual assistant I developed that helps startups learn about the importance of ESG compliance. I developed the assistant working with OpenAI's GPT APIs and embedding ESG compliance-specific data into our vector database. I learned how to use the Intellegam framework as well as services such as Pinecone. 

Overall, I am extremely grateful for this experience and the funding I received. Working overseas and being out of my comfort zone helped me grow in many ways. My communication and technical skills as well as my business knowledge greatly benefitted from this experience.

Munich, Bavaria, Germany
48.154995593662, 11.54183575
