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Vladimir Iglesias

My name is Vladimir Iglesias, and I am currently a senior majoring in Economics and Government at St. Lawrence University. Originally from El Salvador, I was born and raised there, with my educational journey beginning at Highlands International School San Salvador. In 2020, I proudly graduated from Highlands, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another at St. Lawrence University.

Wanjiru Mwathi

My name is Wanjiru Mwathi. I am from a small town in Kenya called Nakuru. I speak Kikuyu, my first language, Swahili and English, and I am currently learning Spanish.

I love cooking. My favorite food is mokimo and barbecue chicken. Back home, I always longed to prepare dishes with my family because it always brought us together.

Alessandro Marangelli

Alessandro helping to construct a bridge of cement for Los Campesinos, Costa Rica on the 19th of February 2020.

The picture was taken by Alessandro with the self-timer.


Alessandro helping to construct a bridge of cement for Los Campesinos, Costa Rica on the 19th of February 2020.

Alessandro participating in a protest after the 18 years old daughter of one of his teachers was killed by her boyfriend. Alajuela, Costa Rica 18th of November 2019.

The picture was taken by Alessandro.


Alessandro participating in a protest after the 18 years old daughter of one of his teachers was killed by her boyfriend. Alajuela, Costa Rica 18th of November 2019.

Alessandro reaching the top of Mt Arab, New York on the 12th of October 2020.

The picture was taken by Alessandro with the self-timer.


Alessandro reaching the top of Mt Arab, New York on the 12th of October 2020.

Hi, I'm Alessandro Marangelli '24 and I use He/ They pronouns. I am an International student from Italy and a UWC alumn. I am double majoring in Anthropology and Environmental Studies, and minoring in Global Studies. I decided to study these fields because I am interested in the intersection of environmental, cultural, spiritual, physical, and social sustainability because I am a firm believer that there is no real sustainability without all of them and equality and equity.

Cole Weigartz

Cole Weigartz is part of the Class of 2021 and is majoring in Conservation Biology. He is particularly interested in studying mammals and forest ecology. During his summer fellowship, he studied habitat preferences for porcupines, which he will continue during his senior year. After graduating, he plans on continuing his studies and completing a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology. Although he enjoys doing lots of outdoors fieldwork, he also enjoys crocheting, video games, and being a TA for General Biology.

Gabriella Diaz

Gabriella Diaz, '21, always knew she wanted to major in psychology, and once she got far along into this major she felt something was missing. A housemate suggested she take a public health course and she ended up declaring that minor the same semester. As a requirement for this minor she took a global studies class, and the following semester declared that as her second minor. Gabriella was able to make the connections between her courses, but wanted a way to encapsulate all her studies.

Makenna Burr

Makenna Burr, '21, is a biology major, with research interests in herpetology and ecology. After completing her summer of 2020 research project, she has begun an SYE with Professor Hoffmann looking into the learning abiliites of native versus invaisive treefrog species. Makenna is planning on continuing with her research interests in graduate school and when she is not in the lab, she can be found practicing with the swim team or in meetings for the class council of 2021, where she serves as treasurer.