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Catherine O'Neill

Catherine O'Neill 25' is a first-generation college student from Parsippany, New Jersey, studying for her BA in Environmental Studies and Francophone Studies. She is interested in the prospect of promoting food security and community resilience through community agriculture and locally-grown initiatives as well as the various ways urban environments can be transformed to support social and environmental sustainability.

Grace Bridge


"You're a [Data] Wizard, Harry!"
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Cover Photo - image of shiny app which displays analyses
Series: Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

Grace Bridge '24 is from Syracuse, New York, and is double majoring in Data Science and Francophone Studies. On campus, Grace is a member of the women's soccer team, an admissions ambassador, and an employee at the athletic center. As a Clare Boothe Luce scholar for the summer of 2022, Grace was able to study sentiment and network analysis through the program of R with Dr. Ivan Ramler.

Alexandra Hill

Alexandra Hill '23, born and raised in Los Angeles, California, is a triple major in English, French, and mathematics, with a minor in statistics. Her passion for mental health is a keystone for much of her academia; she presented her research on mental health accessibility in writing centers at a national conference in 2021, and her three senior honors projects each respectively analyze mental health in literature in unique ways.

Grace Vensel


Grace Vensel '21 is double majoring in Global Studies and Francophone Studies, as well as minoring in History. She is particularly interested in the historical construction of imperialism and how it is manifested today. Grace is additionally interested in resistance to systems of power. Her experiences studying abroad in Bordeaux, France, as well as traveling to Dakar, Senegal with Dr. Eloise Brezault drove her desire to research the CFA franc in Senegal.