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Class of 2023
Francophone Studies
Alexandra Hill '23, born and raised in Los Angeles, California, is a triple major in English, French, and mathematics, with a minor in statistics. Her passion for mental health is a keystone for much of her academia; she presented her research on mental health accessibility in writing centers at a...


Sponsoring Department:
Summer 2021

I was a publication intern with Agora Books in London, U.K. Via this role, I did editorial work -- such as reading through submissions and writing copy -- marketing work -- including running the Twitter, overseeing a giveaway and the corresponding graphics, and writing blog posts, maximizing SEO -- and finally managerial research work -- including the research and organization of reviews for Agora’s books.

Through this internship opportunity, I have learned so much about not only my specific field of publication but also myself. I am so glad to have worked with Agora Books and my internship advisor Peyton Stableford; I feel confident with my experience in a professional editorial role now, and I achieved a better understanding of what the publication world looks like and the various opportunities within the field. I also came out of the opportunity with tangible products of my work that can be useful for future applications to demonstrate the kind of work I am capable of -- and thankfully I can show writing I can be proud of. Beyond this, I also gained more abstract values. I learned about how I work and ways I can become a better employee and person. I believe a lot of this growth came about via the global internship course.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

