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Class of 2022
International Economics – Francophone Studies
Spring 2021

? I was interning for a very small education technology startup based in Dublin. I reported to the CEO and founder and sole employee of the company so it was definitely a very intimate experience. I did new things every week for the company such as researching app development and project management tools. Throughout the entire time my overall project was basically to prototype a mobile application. My supervisor was extremely flexible and we created my plan and goals together each week.
I had a really amazing internship experience. Working for such a tiny company has many perks. I got to see firsthand what it means to start a company and the challenges that come with it as well as the rewards. Every week I got new research or work to do that contributed first hand to the company and it's day to day activities. All my work was acknowledged and appreciated and all the research I completed was actually put to use. It was really refreshing and made me appreciate working for a startup. I learned that I would love to work for a smaller company because of how appreciated and noticed I felt and how much my work was actually utilized.


