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Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

Rural Feminisms in the North Country: Expanding the Archives


Rural Feminisms in the North Country: Expanding the Archives focuses on sharing the stories of women in the North Country during the 1970s and 1980s and how they thought of and enacted feminism, activism, and other feminist activity. By creating a digital platform dedicated to these women, such material is now accessible to a broader audience to recognize and honor the women involved and their efforts. This fellowship is part of an ongoing Rural Feminisms project with Dr.

Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Gender and a Beat: Women and Hip Hop in Senegal


In Senegal, as elsewhere, hip hop has been a key avenue of popular criticism and political action. While the genre has often been dominated by male voices, female performers have also been active participants in the Senegalese hip hop scene. Female hip hop artists are also gaining recognition as beat makers, rappers, and graffiti artists. Women are utilizing hip hop to make a space for female artists while also advocating for women’s rights and other social and political concerns.

A Legacy of Revolution: Examining the Impact of Slave Revolts Across the Black Diaspora (1730-1841)


For centuries, slave narratives and black history, specifically those of African Americans, have been researched and taught at all academic levels. The stories of Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass stand out as markers of American Liberation and black agency. Although the movements sparked by these revolutionaries are exemplary, they are a double-edged sword. Douglass and Tubman are luminaries of the black experience. However, they are considered anomalies in the larger mainstream narrative, two of the few slaves who dared to fight for their freedom.

The Colonial Legacy of Conservation on Pastoralists


The 2017 ranch invasions in Laikipia County, Kenya, are linked to a colonial legacy of land alienation that emphasizes land use for elite purposes, which plays out today on a national and international sphere. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight an early colonial history of Laikipia County, as seen with primary source research. In doing so, one may understand that the idea of "land conflict" is not new to the Maasai pastoralists who call Laikipia home, and create questions I seek to explore in my Honors Thesis.

A Classroom Under the Mushroom Cloud: The Educational Setting During the Height of Cold War Tensions


This is a representation of a classroom from the early Cold War. It is intended to be an interactive study tool, museum exhibit, or educational resource that can attract and engage a general audience. The viewer is free to click around and explore the virtual space to discover primary source material as it would have appeared in the classroom setting during the height of Cold War tensions.

British Colonial Influence in Hong Kong and Its Aftermath


My intention in this project was to explore the recent unrest in Hong Kong. I am a citizen of People’s Republic of China studying in an American university. The rage on the Internet in the mainland China began around the beginning of this year (2020) when some of the protesters became extreme and violent. The seemingly sudden outburst and uncontrolled situation were perplexing to me. Despite the understandable opposition to the influx of tourists from the mainland, discussed below, it seemed to me that Hong Kong was unduly furious.

A History of Local Reaction and Activism to the Olympic Prison


Using primary documents in the St. Lawrence University special collections, this research project explores the controversial conversion of the Lake Placid 1980 Olympic village into a federal prison. The collection of documents includes newspaper clippings, correspondence, posters, and newsletters all related to the civil action group Stop the Olympic Prison (S.T.O.P.). The S.T.O.P. protest group was formed in response to the proposed usage of Olympic housing as a minimum-security prison for youthful offenders following the 1980 Olympics.