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Established in 1993 by family members and friends to celebrate the life and memory of Tanner Cornwell, son of Grant Cornwell ’79 and Peg Kelsey Cornwell ’79, who died of leukemia at the age of six, this is awarded to a non-senior who has demonstrated the potential to make a positive and creative mark on the world.

Summer 2024 - Research Fellowships

Researching Non-Binary Experiences in Buenos Aires, Argentina


This summer, thanks to the Tanner Fellowship Award Fund, I was able to travel back to Buenos Aires and carry out a series of interviews while attending relevant events in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. This is part of my Senior Year Experience, an honors thesis in Anthropology where I will use diverse anthropological and feminist research methods to delve deeper into the reality of being a non-binary individual in Buenos Aires.

Volunteering in the Philippines: Hockey, Health, and Academic Engagement


This project aimed to bring the love of hockey as well as teach the importance of physical activity to secluded and underprivileged communities in the Philippines. The project focused specifically on Tigman Village, Palawan and was organized by the Sticks Together Non-Profit. Kristina and the other volunteers spent most of the weekdays teaching hockey and running games for the school children of various ages, who were all extremely excited to learn; they also helped create environmental awareness campaigns and taught at the school.

Summer 2023 - Research Fellowships

Shadowing at the Saints Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences


This summer, I had the honor of shadowing Dr. Isabel Llano and Dr. Alain Marty, Senior Research Scientists Emeritus, at the SAINTS-PERES Paris Institute for the Neurosciences. During my time there, I joined the Cerebellar Physiology team that aimed to unravel the role of the cerebellum in sensorimotor integration, from synaptic to systems levels. Specifically, the biophysics of synaptic transmission and how it is integrated by the cerebellar cortex microcircuit during sensorimotor integration in awake-behaving animals was the main focus of the study.

Intentional community, non-capitalism, and identity


While last semester I spent a course learning how to design my own research project, this summer I started doing it. I spent 8 weeks living within a commune in rural Virginia and learned what it was like to live in an income-sharing community with 75 other members. While I spent some time in the garden, cooking community meals, and packing vegetable seed packets, I also spent time doing in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and ethnography.

Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

A Glance of China's "Involuted Generation"


"Neijuan (involution)" is a popular word in China today, and it is also a social phenomenon among the modern younger generation. The word "involution" was originally used in the field of anthropology, but now it has gradually become a frequently mentioned word in the daily life of Chinese society. In Chinese society, the younger generation is even called the "involution generation".

Inspiring the uninspired


I was born and raised in the second most dangerous city in America, Detroit, Michigan. When you are from a city full of crime and poverty, hardships become endless. As a child growing up in these conditions your options are limited. You grow up to either engage in crime, spend your life in jail, continue the low income life you were born into, lose your life as a victim of crime, become a victim to crime by losing your life, or pursue other paths. Sometimes in places like Detroit, the other paths are what changes your life in many good ways that you don’t realize until you're older.

Entering Game Design, Creation for Recreation


My project focused on examining the pre-existing manifestations of bias in the game development industry and as, a Black woman game developer increasing my skills in order to boost a socially aware counternarrative. It is essential for all people to see members of their community’s accurate and empathetic portrayals, especially within interactive media. During my project, I studied various aspects of game design including the use of 2d and 3d assets, in order to create three prototypes within Unity.

Finding Our Space in Science


STEM majors are notoriously known for being difficult, but socioeconomic conditions generate barriers that make these even more challenging for marginalized populations, limiting access to the research community.  Personally, I didn’t realize how much I loved research until I completed a summer research assistantship at CU Boulder.  Without the luck of being in the right place at the right time, I would not have gotten that same opportunity and now, it is my mission to destigmatize research and make it more accessible to students like me.