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Class of 2026
Business in the Liberal Arts
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Navya Aggarwal, class of 2026 is majoring in Economics and Business and minoring in Gender Studies. She has a strong passion for entreprenuership and social work. Her academic journey has revolved around exploring how the strategic application of marketing principles and HR practices can drive positive change. Navya envisions pursuing...
Summer 2023

I recently completed my Internship Fellowship at Neema International. This remarkable organization is unwavering in its commitment to nurturing Tanzania’s promising youth through grassroots education initiatives, emphasizing creative learning and fostering community engagement. Over the course of an immersive 8 weeks, I had the privilege to partake in a multifaceted role. From conducting heartfelt home visits to providing essential emotional counseling to older children, my involvement was deeply meaningful. I also had the opportunity to lend my expertise in devising effective marketing strategies, communicating with potential sponsors, and even took on the fulfilling responsibility of educating the Neema children. 

While Tanzania's natural beauty and cultural heritage attract tourists from around the world, their perspective is often confined to the surface-level attractions, leaving them unaware of the underlying challenges faced by the local communities. However, my involvement in home visits shattered this veneer, exposing the hidden struggles that many families endure on a daily basis. 

As I faced challenges during my time there – whether navigating cultural nuances or addressing the unique needs of individual students – the importance of perseverance and adaptability became evident. These challenges, while demanding, reinforced the belief that fostering positive change requires dedication and a willingness to overcome hurdles. As I face new experiences, I will hold in high regard the invaluable lessons and skills gained during my tenure at Neema International. 

-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
-3.3075638463053, 37.344818122219 , -3.4391903762428, 37.65777586028 , -3.4022822955365, 37.480239858851
United Republic of Tanzania
