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Class of 2026
Biomedical Sciences
I am Michael Agyekum '26, I was born and raised in Ghana. I currently reside in the Bronx but here at SLU majoring in Biomedical sciences on the pre-med track due to my interest and goal of attending medical school after SLU.
Summer 2023

My internship was majority focused on preparation for the medical field as a whole therefore, I was enrolled in two science courses at Columbia Medical School (physics and chemistry) taking these classes at the Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center. Additionally, there were daily seminars and experiences I had to attend which enriched me with more knowledge regarding affording medical school, the application processes for medical school, life in and during medical school, as well as life after medical school. I also had assignments for all my classes and a group presentation on a health policy which my group and I presented in front of the whole SHPEP cohort and our supervisors. Another component of my internship was the real-world experience of being a medical professional. I was able to get that real-world experience through the shadowing opportunity that I was provided whereby I got to shadow a pediatric neurologist. That was my first time shadowing a medical professional so I appreciate being given that opportunity very much and as a result, It sparked my interest so much more in the field of medicine after I was able to first hand sit in and observe how it all goes down. Due to the great immersion experiences of SHPEP, I was able to form connections with my peers and also professionals in the medical field which I can reach out to for any advice, and also experiences such as shadowing which I partook in another as a result not too long ago. SHPEP allowed me to feel like an actual health professional a bit through my time there this summer which I am eternally grateful for me because it allowed me to see that I am on the right path regarding my future career because partaking in this program showed me that this is what I want to spend my time doing in the near future.

United States of America

