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Class of 2021
Jayden Ladison '21, a resident of Canton, is a psychology major and an economics minor at St. Lawrence University. Jayden is extending her fellowship research into her senior year of college by continuing her analysis of the neural influences on temporal processing. She plans to attend graduate school and obtain...


Sponsoring Department:

Our study attempts to add to the literature involving the hippocampus and temporal processing. We plan to achieve this by creating a causal experiment that examines the relationship between the hippocampus and interval timing. In this study, a double-blind stereotaxic surgery is performed on the hippocampi of two groups of Wistar rats: one in which the rats receive a sham injection and one in which they receive an excitatory neurotoxin. The rats are then subjected to a temporal attention task. We hypothesize that the rats with hippocampal lesions will have greater deficits in interval timing tasks than the rats in the sham group.
