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Class of 2023
Environmental Studies – Biology
I am a first year student at Københavns Universitet pursing an M.S.c in climate change and recently graduated from St. Lawrence University summa cum laude with a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies. I have a strong interest in climate change, biodiversity, international affairs, and the connections between all three...


Summer 2023

I served as a co-manager of NGO Sustainability on a mostly remote basis. Among my general duties, I oversaw the editing and publication of all reports and newsletters, assigned work to interns, and created and ran several project groups. 

I also focused on more specific projects. Some were administrative, such as reactivating the organization's social media accounts and editing the company website to make it more professional. I also wrote a special edition of the newsletter on the upcoming UN climate talks and the state of climate science.

I begin the hiring process of a replacement manager and recruitment of the fall semester interns.

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