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Class of 2026
I am a passionate and hard-working sophomore at St. Lawrence University working towards a B.S. in an Interdisciplinary Study in Marketing and Finance. I am aiming to use my knowledge and experience of product marketing, social media analytics, content creation, consumer research strategies, strong leadership skills, and hard-working attitude in...


Summer 2023

This summer, I completed an internship at Mahanakorn Partners Group where my main responsibilities were helping create social media content for their social media accounts and help with any legal tasks that were asked of me. Such tasks included proofreading documents, creating work contracts, reaching out to companies for information, and more. My main goal going into this internship this summer was to mainly improve my marketing skills as that is the field I would like to work in post-graduation. While there, I got to interview the CEO of the company and other senior members of the company, cover events that the CEO would speak at, and edit photos and videos for the company's Instagram and LinkedIn. When reflecting on this experience, the internship pushed me a lot with working in a formal office which had high expectations. However, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity as I feel as it will help standout as an applicant when applying to other jobs and internships. Additionally, the ability to live in another country for so long was an amazing experience as I was able to immerse myself in their culture and meet new people. 
