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Class of 2025
Conservation Biology
Estudios Hispánicos
Marlia Richer '25 is a Conservation Biology and Hispanic Studies double-major originally from western New Hampshire. She is an active member of the Native American Student Alliance and KSLU Student Radio, and is also on the Nordic Ski Team.
Summer 2023

This summer I had the opportunity to work in the Henry's Fork Foundation's field work internship, with the generous support of St. Lawrence's Center for Career Excellence. The Henry's Fork Foundation (HFF) is a fishery conservation organization based out of Ashton Idaho working to protect trout populations in the Upper Snake River Basin, which is one of the most popular fly fishing destinations in the world. As the field work intern, my job entailed a lot of problem solving and manual labor. Each week I conducted water quality sampling along several rivers in the watershed, primarily the Henry's Fork and the South Fork and also in the Island Park Reservoir. This work familiarized me with data collection and the various types of equipment it required, including HFF's network of sonde installations. I also worked as a team to collect data on streamflow within the watershed, and got to know the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) we used for this project. 

In addition to field work I conducted an independent research project to find macroinvertebrate population data collected on similar steams in the northwestern US. The goal of this project was to figure out which streams had associated macroinvertebrate data and by whom that data was collected. This allowed me to practice good research techniques and work on my data presentation skills. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and it wouldn't have happened without the support I received from both the Henry's Fork Foundation and St. Lawrence's Center for Career Excellence. 

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