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Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

A Glance of China's "Involuted Generation"


"Neijuan (involution)" is a popular word in China today, and it is also a social phenomenon among the modern younger generation. The word "involution" was originally used in the field of anthropology, but now it has gradually become a frequently mentioned word in the daily life of Chinese society. In Chinese society, the younger generation is even called the "involution generation".

Summer 2021 Project Showcase

The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the American Funeral Industry


As of September 2021, over 650,000 Americans have lost their lives to the Coronavirus, and the lock-down has affected so many aspects of our culture (New York Times, 2021). Specifically, the funeral industry was heavily affected and barely given much recognition (Zavattaro, 2020). The goal of this project was to explore the challenges faced by funeral directors and mourners alike in times of mass casualty.