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Class of 2026
Business in the Liberal Arts
Digital Media & Film
Sports Studies and Exercise Science
Born and raised in New Canaan, Connecticut. Attended New Canaan public schools until sophomore year of high school, where I then transferred to King School in Stamford, Connecticut. Currently enrolled at St. Lawrence University, studying business, digital film/media with a minor in sports studies. I also am a member of...
Summer 2024

From the middle of May to the end of August, I worked as an on-court assistant for NBA trainer, Chris Brickley. Not only was I tasked with rebounding, passing, and defending the players, I also did a number of behind the scenes activities, including setting-up and maintaining the gym. We worked with countless National Basketball Association ("NBA") players, professional artists, and up-and-coming players. I was able to observe Chris utilize his advanced basketball knowledge to challenge players through physically- and mentally-rigorous drills. It was also fascinating to see these high-level players play with immense intensity and passion during each workout. I left the internship with many unique lessons and experiences that I will carry on with me throughout my career in the player development field.

Prior to the start of my internship, I was awarded financial aid through the Internship Fellowship program thanks to the Janet K. Langlois ’71 Internship Fellowship fund. This aid made my unpaid work over the summer possible because it allowed me to commute from Connecticut to the city, pay for food while on the job, and save for the upcoming school year. 

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