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Class of 2025
Sports Studies and Exercise Science
Charlotte Brown, or Charlie, is an English major and Exercise Science minor on the currently on track to graduate in the Spring of 2025. The summer leading into her junior year she worked on a Community Supported Agriculture, CSA, Farm in Canton, NY.
Summer 2023

littleGrasse Foodworks farm is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm located in Canton, NY. It serves approximately 50 families in the North Country with fresh, organic vegetables through a free-choice share system.

I dedicated two full academic years to working with littleGrasse, volunteering at the farm once a week for two hours in the evening after classes. This opportunity granted me valuable lessons to participate in farming operations throughout the entire growing season. 

My hands-on experience at littleGrasse taught me the intricacies of farming and how our community benefits from local farms. My responsibilities included daily tasks like harvesting, weeding, maintaining communal tools, and other tasks. Among my goals was to enhance my communication through interactions with shareholders.  
