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Class of 2025
My name is Colin Young and I'm part of the St. Lawrence Class of 2025. I'm a captain on the Cross Country team this fall and a member of the Track and Field team. I'm a Peer Tutor In Computer Science and Statistics and a member of multiple clubs including...
Summer 2024

This summer I worked as Social Media and Research Intern for Jenne Young Creative. Jenne Young Creative is a website design business that works with small companies. I designed posts and posted on Instagram and Linkedin. I became fluent in both Canva and Notion, with my capstone project being to design a Notion teamspace for the business. Blogs also took up a large portion of my job where I was consistently researching topics and writing on the daily. The majority of my research focused on how small businesses were branching out onto social media and making full use of the technology available. I also worked on website review as well as managing PR for an art show. This opportunity was a great shift from my London internship where I worked in Sports PR and Communications at a large company. I was able to understand what it took to operate in a smaller business and how the client relationships are different. Although I was very excited to understand the business perspective, some of most enjoyable takeaways were how I got to work creatively. Learning graphic design and studying how to best create social media posts was something I wasn't expecting to be as engaged with as I was. Another great example of creativity was working on a Notion page for the business and creating a strong way to organize and schedule tasks and deadlines. This helped me to realize how I definitely want to hold onto an artistic perspective throughout my career and retain the freedom to do so. Along with this aspect, I also got a firsthand look on how businesses are developing everyday with new technology. One key one that I wrote a blog about was data science. This is becoming a huge part of so many businesses and one of the reasons I'm adding STEM classes like that into my humanities major. English and Psych have been great in preparing for a lot of what business entails (research, writing, communication, presenting, etc), but adding skills like data management and coding makes my arsenal so much stronger. The financial support for this internship was invaluable. Because of this, I was able to focus all my attention towards the work for Jenne Young Creative and heavily advance my skillset. With the small size of the business, I was able to take a relatively important role and hold a lot of responsibility in managing the organization, outreach, and overall advancement of the company. My goals for the summer were to improve my writing skills, learn new graphic design technology, and display a noticeable application of my research to my social media work. I was able to successfully complete all of these and grow my understanding of how to best develop within these fields and how I can make use of them in sections of my academic and professional life.
