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Class of 2023
Business in the Liberal Arts
Summer 2021

I interned at BIS Oxford Economics, based in Sydney, Australia. They provide consulting for various sectors of the economy, so my role was to assist in research. I updated excel files to reflect progress on construction and infrastructure projects in Australia. I also conducted research examining the wider economic benefits of roads. I utilized Australian Google and conducted in-depth research of many different projects and sectors.

I was very excited to work for a company based in Australia! The dynamic of a global virtual internship provides an unmatched learning experience. Tackling concerns of time differences, research based in a different country, and the dry humor of my internship supervisor allowed me to have a unique experience. I learned how to be flexible and open to unfamiliar tasks. I have strengthened my research skills, which will be useful for any future career choice. The process of working with my supervisor taught me many things that a typical internship in the United States would not have. I had to adjust to the mannerisms and vocabulary of my supervisor, which showed me a different outlook on understanding various cultures in the workplace. I had to be flexible with my meeting hours and conscious of the times I sent emails, which made me become more flexible and adaptable to changes throughout my internship. These differences gave me a better internship experience that I am extremely grateful for. All of my assignments related to Australian companies and projects, which taught me a lot! I had to research individual areas of Australia and learn about companies that operate in different parts of Australia. If I were doing similar work based in the United States, I would miss out on the opportunity to learn about another place’s geography and businesses. Overall, my internship was memorable and an excellent learning experience.

-33.848670937307, 150.93197475
