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Established in 2010 by the Thompson-Weatherup Family Charitable Foundation, this fund supports the University Fellows program at St. Lawrence University.

Summer 2023 - Research Fellowships

Can SLU EMS Response Times Be Reduced? Network Analysis of St. Lawrence University Campus


Collegiate emergency medical service (EMS) agencies provide valuable services to college and university campuses across the United States through quick response times and peer-to-peer assistance. However, the unique layout and road network of a college campus can provide unique challenges, such as limited vehicle access to inner campus and indirect routes to high volume call areas. Geospatial analysis of the St. Lawrence University campus in Canton, NY was used to gain a better understanding of the impact of these factors on the response time of St.



This summer I devoted my SLU Fellowship opportunity to immerse in a new art medium. As a double major in Environmental Studies and Studio Art, I am passionate about finding space for intersection between both of my interests and  paper making felt like a perfect opportunity for the exploration of sustainable practices. I was mentored by Velma Bolyard and Melissa Schulenberg in learning the craft. We focused on the use of readily available materials for the production of quality paper. More specifically we utilized paper scraps, plant fibers and recycled cotton t-shirt.

Summer 2022 - Research Fellowships

Rural Feminisms in the North Country: Expanding the Archives


Rural Feminisms in the North Country: Expanding the Archives focuses on sharing the stories of women in the North Country during the 1970s and 1980s and how they thought of and enacted feminism, activism, and other feminist activity. By creating a digital platform dedicated to these women, such material is now accessible to a broader audience to recognize and honor the women involved and their efforts. This fellowship is part of an ongoing Rural Feminisms project with Dr.

Summer 2020 Project Showcase

A Qualitative Exploration of Reachout of St. Lawrence County


Established in 1976, Reachout is a free, non-judgmental crisis and information hotline serving residents of St. Lawrence County. It answers after-hours calls for many other human services agencies as well as operates a mobile crisis team that sends trained counselors to meet and assess people at risk. Reachout provides a vital service to our community. For example, in 2005 alone, Reachout logged over 28,000 calls. I completed the training and became an official volunteer at Reachout in the Spring of 2019.