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Bangkok, Thailand

Summer 2023 - Internships/Fellowships

Intern - Mahanakorn Partners Group (Freeman Foundation)


I spent this summer interning at a professional servicing firm, Mahanakorn Partners Group, in Bangkok, Thailand this summer. First and foremost, I would like to thank the Stewart's Shop and Dake Family Internship Fund for this tremendous opportunity. I would also like to thank the Center for Career Excellence here at St. Lawrence for guiding me through this opportunity. There were a few specific skills from my internship that I am glad to have heading into my senior year of university. First, I felt that I significantly improved my communication skills.

Intern - Mahanakorn Partners Group (Freeman Foundation)


This summer, I completed an internship at Mahanakorn Partners Group where my main responsibilities were helping create social media content for their social media accounts and help with any legal tasks that were asked of me. Such tasks included proofreading documents, creating work contracts, reaching out to companies for information, and more. My main goal going into this internship this summer was to mainly improve my marketing skills as that is the field I would like to work in post-graduation.