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Morgan Cleary

Morgan Cleary is a current senior and member of the class of 2023 at St. Lawrence. She is currently majoring in Psychology with a variety of minors. After completing her degree, she hopes to further her education by attending graduate school. As for a career, she is passionate about evaluating and researching developmental disorders in young children, however, is still open to a wide range of possibilities.

Sam Cohen

Samantha (Sam) Cohen is a member of the class of ‘23, and she is an English Literature and Business in the Liberal Arts major. She became interested in studying Shakespeare after taking a course on Shakespeare’s Roman plays at St. Lawrence University. She plans to continue the work she started during the SLU Fellowship by writing an article about Shakespeare’s Roman and Greek plays during her senior year.

Isaiah Albright

Isaiah Albright (he/him/his), born and raised in North Adams, Massachusetts, is a recent grad from the Class of 2023 at St. Lawrence University with a major in Government and a minor in European Studies. His previous student fellowship research utilized a multidimensional approach to understanding the relationship between government development efforts and ethnicity. Beyond his academic interests, Isaiah served on the executive board of SLU Pi Sigma Alpha, worked as a peer reviewer for The Underground, and was a member of the St.