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Rae Dunbar

Rae Dunbar started her Masters of Science in Climate Change at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in the fall of 2023. With a passion for climate adaptation, urban development, and visionary thinking, Rae has the lifelong goal of being a prominent force in combating climate change.  Rae was an active member of Thelmo-Student Government, chairing the Environmental Affairs Committee.

Andrew Miller

I am a first year student at Københavns Universitet pursing an M.S.c in climate change and recently graduated from St. Lawrence University summa cum laude with a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies. I have a strong interest in climate change, biodiversity, international affairs, and the connections between all three. have extensive work experience with environmental nonprofit organizations from conducting ecological research and managing invasive species with a small land conservancy to serving as a manager for a UN affiliated environmental NGO.

Isabelle Dolcino

Isabelle Dolcino is a senior pursuing a combined major in environmental studies and biology. She is interested in ecosystem ecology as a way to inform the protection, conservation, and restoration of natural areas. As a combined science and humanities major, Isabelle is also interested in exploring the intersections between science and policy. In her free time at St. Lawrence, Isabelle enjoys being outside and exploring the North Country by cycling, hiking, and paddling.