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The purpose of the CSTEP Program is to increase the number of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged undergraduate and graduate students who complete pre-professional or professional education programs of study that lead to professional licensure and to careers in mathematics, science, technology, and health-related fields. Funds are used to enhance instruction and curriculum-related activities and services aimed at advancing the purpose of CSTEP.

Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Industrial Design, the Best and Worst of Humanity


Design is present around us. From our automobiles, to furniture and consumer electronics, design has drastically changed and improved our way of living. However, we are not aware of its influence because we have been programmed not to. The value of an arts education has declined over the years due to the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act (2002) which directed the focus of the education system to science, mathematics, and reading to measure the levels of students with standardized testing.

COVID19: Can States Stop the Spread?


The focus of this paper is to track how the United States is handling COVID19 by evaluating how each state is working to reduce the spread of the virus that has now become a global pandemic. In the past, nations have dealt with pandemics before such as the 2008 H1N1 virus. However, the United States did not face nearly the same amount of severity as it does now with COVID-19. As of July 17, 2020 the United States has set a new record for the country with the highest amount of confirmed cases at 3,604,408.

Navigating Twitter as a Grassroots Organization


The creation of innovative digital social networks and platforms has transformed how information is disseminated for online users. The following paper is comprised of a literature review that examines the relationship between Twitter and journalism, democracy, disinformation and citizen journalism. The sections in the literature review aims to provide a framework in understanding the significance of using Twitter and the theoretical framework revolving around it.

Herpetofauna Species Survey in the Forestport Quad in Accordance to the NYS Herp Atlas


Amphibians are in a state of global decline due to numerous factors, such as habitat loss, climate change, and emerging diseases. The New York State Herpetology Atlas has been conducting a project since the early 1990s in order to document the amphibians and non-avian reptiles from this region and comparing the results of past years to new studies conducted today.