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Summer 2021 Project Showcase

An Architectural Phenomenology Reflection: A Case Study on Japanese Spatiality


From the perspective of architectural phenomenology, our built environments have a greater influence on us than we realize. They have an impact on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, particularly now as we spend the majority of our time indoors. These spaces inform our habits, moods, and behaviors, as well as our perspectives on everyday life. The meanings and experiences we gain from this interaction strengthen not only our relationships with others, but also our relationships with our surroundings.

Summer 2020 Project Showcase

Industrial Design, the Best and Worst of Humanity


Design is present around us. From our automobiles, to furniture and consumer electronics, design has drastically changed and improved our way of living. However, we are not aware of its influence because we have been programmed not to. The value of an arts education has declined over the years due to the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act (2002) which directed the focus of the education system to science, mathematics, and reading to measure the levels of students with standardized testing.