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Class Year:

Everything I do is with the intention of bringing people together and creating a collaborative community.

In 2019, I started a basketball camp out of my backyard as a social outlet for my younger brother. Over a hundred custom-made t-shirts and personalized paper medals later, I would retire Colby Camp in the summer of 2022 having executed seven weeks over the span of four years. My dreams of working on Wall Street were replaced by replicating Colby Camp on a bigger stage. Not necessarily basketball and backyard fun, but replicating the same sense of belonging and purpose for others.

July 2022, I set my career goal: To host a festival at the Marshfield Fairgrounds in 2027.

I rebranded my personal Instagram from @colbylauria to @colbycampus (Colby Camp U.S) and began conducting and uploading interviews from the streets of Boston. I wanted to build a music community, asking everybody what their favorite song/album was of all time. During my Fall Semester as a sophomore at SLU, I created several YouTube documentaries. The content covered school traditions, campus figures, and local bars from an authentic/comedic standpoint SLU hadn't seen before. During my Spring Semester, I tried creating "UPSTATE", a collaborative album of artists/producers with relations to Upstate NY as well as a concert to perform the album live. Although both fell short, my effort was recognized, which played a role in landing a summer internship position at Interscope Records!

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