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My name is August Kotula '24, I am a conservation biology major and statistics minor from Peterborough, NH. As a con-bio major, I have a strong interest in environmental conservation and sustainable recreation.
Summer 2024

Working with Inland Woods and Trails ("IWT") allowed me to get first-hand experience in sustainable land management. I now have a stronger understanding of what it takes to manage large swaths of land both as part of the office staff of a nonprofit and as a member of the trail crew. I worked on several projects that allowed my to apply the skills I have gained at SLU. On one such project, I worked on a NRCS grant to create bat habitat on IWT lands. I used my background in conservation biology to identify ideal habitat. I also used my background in geospatial technology to mark my habitat suggestions on an interactive map so that my coworkers could return to the habitat zones after my internship ended. My time with IWT also improved my interpersonal communication skills. I worked very closely and built a strong relationship with the executive director of IWT as well as with the head grant writer, board president, and head of finances. I have also remained in contact with several of these people after the conclusion of my internship and am confident that these professional connections will benefit me in my post-collegiate career.

44.406038648588, -70.789901018143 , 44.43818573173, -70.839929580688
44.406038648588, -70.789901018143 , 44.43818573173, -70.839929580688
44.406038648588, -70.789901018143 , 44.43818573173, -70.839929580688
44.406038648588, -70.789901018143 , 44.43818573173, -70.839929580688
United States of America
