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Class of 2024
Environmental Studies – Sociology
My name is Ryan Krugman, graduating class 24' here at St. Lawrence University. I am planning on majoring in Environmental Studies and Sociology with a minor in Global Studies. As an Environmental Studies and Sociology major I am interested in human-environment relations and the impact they have on both us...
Summer 2022

Through working with 4MyCiTy this summer, a sustainable food management non-profit, I received the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge about out current food system and the growing field of sustainable food rescue. The main goal of 4MyCiTy's services is to prevent the environmental impact of food waste on our environment by diverting edible food waste from landfills, while promoting sustainable food management practices. With the diverted or rescued food 4MyCiTy distributes them to food insecure communities, in the greater Baltimore region, through their partner organizations. Through this system 4MyCiTy is able to eliminate the release of green house gasses from food waste, while using food waste to fight food insecurity. At my time with 4MyCity I was able to support their services and goals by writing grants, by making social and environmental impact reports, and by helping grow and expand 4MyCiTy's services. I also spent much of my time at 4MyCiTy observing both their services and the our food management system as a whole. Learning about the inefficient and unjust aspects food management system allowed me to see the true impacts of a sustainable food system and has inspired me to continue my work with 4MyCiTy and in food sustainability.


United States of America
