My Modern Physics lab with Dr. Munir Pirbhai taught me a lot about spectroscopy, spectrometers, and their applications, how they work, and how to carry out experiments in an effective manner. Spectrometers are expensive devices but could be made for a very low cost, and I wanted to see if we could create an inexpensive spectrometer that can be used for the same applications as an expensive one. After taking computer science courses with Dr. Lisa Torrey and Dr. Choong-Soo Lee, I had a strong background in a few programming languages which was very helpful. I was able to build the device in about four weeks, leaving me plenty of time to test fruit ripeness and spice adulterations with it. I will continue to research this topic by finding more applications for the spectrometer and improving its different features. Right now, the device can be only be controlled from a computer but will soon be controllable via smartphone.