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Sponsoring Department:
Summer 2022

In the Fall of 2022, I had the pleasure of traveling to three cities in Australia to explore
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. This grant allowed me to visit art galleries, go
on tours, and visit Indigenous sites in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. I studied abroad in
Cairns, and I was also able to participate in activities surrounding Indigenous culture locally.

As an economics and business major, I did not have the opportunity to study other
cultures as much as I would’ve liked to. As I was researching Australia, a main focal point was
the rich cultural elements of Indigenous communities. I knew that this would be something I
would like to explore, so I began looking into different cities and the role of Indigenous cultures
within each.

In Cairns, many museums were highlighting Indigenous artwork, which I had the
pleasure of visiting on numerous occasions. I was also able to participate in a tour led by an
Indigenous guide through the Daintree Rainforest (The oldest rainforest in the world!).

In Sydney, I was able to explore the Aboriginal Bush Food Garden, and I also went on a
“Dreaming Tour”, which provided a story of Indigenous ancestors and spirits. While I was in
Sydney I also went to the Rocks Discovery Museum, which told the story of colonialism and the
importance of preserving Indigenous culture.

In Brisbane, I went to North Stradbroke Island and took a scooter tour led by an
Indigenous guide, which allowed me to see protected Indigenous land. I also went to the
Birrunga Gallery, which sold Indigenous art and also featured a café where I got to taste food
with Native Australian spices.

In Melbourne, I went to the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre, which is a center with
interactive displays of storytelling, artwork, and performance. I also went to the Koorie Heritage
Trust, which is an Indigenous-owned and managed arts & culture organization with exhibitions
focusing on cultural education.

Being abroad in Australia was an enriching educational experience. Alongside traveling
to these cities, I was able to take courses such as Peoples of Far North Queensland which
furthered my knowledge of Indigenous culture. Combining my travel and classroom experience
gave me a strong grasp of Indigenous history and life in Australia.

Traveling in Australia has given me a new appreciation of diversity and the importance
of highlighting silenced voices. Learning about both the struggles and successes of Indigenous
people throughout Australian history has demonstrated the value of listening to underrepresented
groups in society.

