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Class of 2024
Data Science
Sarah Weaver (she/her/hers), born and raised in Norwood, New York, is a member of the Class of 2024 at St. Lawrence University with a major in Data Science. Her current student fellowship research is a part of the NSF Grant SCORE which utilizes sports statistics to create educational modules for...
Summer 2023

This past summer I completed my fellowship which worked with the NSF funded program SCORE. This experience was all thanks to my advisor, Dr. Ivan Ramler, and the Donald K. Rose University Fellows Endowment.

During the Spring 2023 semester, I had the honor of joining an independent project with a select other students who all were interested in sport statistics. I found softball statistics and created a rough draft of a module which was later showcased at educational conferences across the United States. The semester only allowed for minimal work, so the fellowship allowed me to continue and improve modules.

Over the summer, some of my tasks included scraping sports data and cleaning it, creating new module ideas, visualizing data, writing informational worksheets and any other tasks that my advisor required. My softball module from the spring was finalized and submitted to be reviewed by the SCORE committee. Currently educational modules that have been created by the team here at SLU can be found at

I am grateful for the experience I have gained from working alongside Dr. Ramler, Dr. Schuckers, and Dr. Lock. Again, a huge thanks to the Donald K. Rose University Fellows Endowment.
