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Class of 2027
Galen Halasz, class of 2027, is an intended English and Music double major. He is passionate about the arts and aspires to be a professional writer and musician. He is a varsity cross-country and track athlete, member of the Choral Society, and regularly participates in intramural soccer, the nordic ski...
Summer 2024

Over the summer of 2024, I interned as a reporter with my regional newspaper, the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. I had three goals for this internship.

First, I wanted to grow experience as a writer, giving me a stepping stone towards my future writing career. Journalism forces you write quickly, concisely, and accurately in real time, which will help me in whatever path I may ultimately pursue with writing, whether that is as a novelist, as a journalist, or as something else.

My second goal was to serve my local community through my journalism by providing information about current events and community values. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise is a central part of the community in my region, tying all the people who live there together.

Finally, I wanted to become accustomed to and skilled at working in a professional environment. Before 2024, I had worked as a performing musician, playing gigs around the region, so I had no prior experience in a traditional office setting, meeting deadlines and collaborating with coworkers. The newsroom is a great place to get this experience.

The internship allowed me to achieve my goals in the following ways:

In terms of my first goal to grow my writing experience, I published 42 news stories, which included in-depth reporting as well as photojournalism.

For my second goal, I made sure to be thorough and accurate in collecting information, while personally connecting with the community members I interviewed, which enabled me to write stories that upheld the newspaper's tradition of bringing the community together.

And for my final goal, I took on the full responsibilities of a reporter, including maintaining a full-time schedule, identifying potential stories, covering breaking news, interviewing sources, taking journalistic photographs, and writing full-length articles on subjects including state and local government, public services, disasters, disaster preparedness, housing, history, local heroes, community events, and small businesses.

United States of America

