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Summer 2024 - Internships/Fellowships

Intern - University of Oslo


During my time at the University of Oslo, I conducted a project with a geologist working on the paleomagnetism of the Devonian period. I studied rocks from Woodfjorden, Svalbard that were from the Old Red Sandstone Sequence, which is of early Devonian age. The samples were collected as hand samples in the summer of 2023. I drilled cores from the hand samples and made powdered samples. Using the powdered samples I measured magnetic susceptibility using the AGICO MFK1-FA Kappabridge, using the same machine, I measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility.

Shadow - Canton-Potsdam Hospital Inpatient Rehab for Substance Use Disorders


For eight weeks, I was given the opportunity to shadow Sara Elliott, a Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW) in pursuit of her License in Clinical Social Work (LCSW) at an Inpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Rehab Unit. This SUD Rehab is an acute 28-day program focused on crisis care and short-term stability. Caseworkers utilize person-centered care by setting participants up with stable housing and aftercare appointments such as primary care, outpatient SUD counseling, Mental Health (MH) counseling, and educational programs.

Software Intern - Ronnie's Cycle


This summer I worked as a software intern at Ronnie’s Cycle. Ronnie’s Cycle is a powersports sales company. I worked alongside a skilled team to develop user networks. A lot of my time was spent utilizing google analytics to assess which marketing websites were getting the most sales and the most views, since Ronnie’s Cycle markets across multiple websites, as there are multiple stores. It was then my job to develop the user pages and make them as accessible and minimalistic as possible. 

Software Engineering Intern - Dextego


Over the summer, I worked with the Dextego CTO and Co-Founder Sean Vazquez and my fellow intern Daniel Chen on building the next version of the Dextego platform.

Dextego is an AI soft skills coaching platform that helps its users get better at pitching, presenting, making connections, etc. In short, Dextego helps businesses train its employees and beyond the skills learned, it helps the employees gain confidence.

Intern - Community Health Volunteer Youth Program


There is a great need for youths in rural Kenya to be informed and educated on topics related to early pregnancy, substance abuse, STI’s, and the importance of education. These issues not only have social and educational implications, but also health impacts. As a result of these issues, increased cases of pre-mature deaths are witnessed among youths in rural areas. This project focuses on a small village; Kaibei in Trans-Nzoia  county, Kenya, a place I was born and raised in. The program focuses on;