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Class of 2024
Performance and Communication Arts
Estudios Hispánicos
Aja Samuel is from Schenectady, NY. She is a senior at St. Lawrence University majoring in Performance Communication Arts and Spanish.


Sponsoring Department:
Summer 2022

I went to London, UK from October 28-30th, 2022. I chose to go to London because I felt like I
needed some enrichment on the PCA side of my major. I had already been fulfilling my Spanish minor in
Spain, but had no travel experiences for my theater education. For this reason, I chose to go to London.
Although I did not spend much time in London, during my two days there I experienced enough to make
me go back. I went to London with my friend Keara, who was also studying abroad in Spain and we
visited our friend Morgan, who was studying in London.

On Friday, I went sightseeing with my friends. We began our day in Camden Market. We walked
around and grabbed lunch there. There I tried London’s famous fish and chips. We then got Bubble tea
and walked around to some shops. After, we went to Primrose Hill. This is a famous park in London,
known for being the park that many celebrities frequent. The main attraction of Primrose Hill is that the
park is a major hill with an incredible view at the top. My friends and I trudged up the hill, and I can
confirm the view is worth it. We then walked down the hill to leave the park where we saw Tom
Hiddleston walking his dog! Afterwards we went to a café to have coffee and scones to reward ourselves
for doing all that walking. It was refreshing having American style coffee after being in Spain so long. It
was after this that we decided to do a bit more shopping and then go home for a break to get ready for the
musical we were seeing. We actually were running a bit late and ended up taking the Uber boat to go to
see the musical.

We saw the production of “But I’m a Cheerleader” at the Turbine Theatre. This was a new
musical based on the movie of the same name. The plot of the musical follows Meghan and Graham, two
girls who fall in love at conversion camp. The show is much more funny than it sounds. I thought all the
actors were dynamic and had great comedic timing. The musical also served fun drinks and candy during
the intermission. Seeing this musical enriched my overall PCA experience here at SLU, because on
campus I do not always get the opportunity to watch professional productions. Furthermore, this was my
first time seeing a professional musical, as SLU does not perform many musicals. On Saturday, we went
walking around and ended up at a four story high-end mall called Westfield. We finished the day with
dinner at a Thai food place called Lady Hamilton.

Overall, I deeply enjoyed my time in London and realized in my time there that I may even go to
London for grad school. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity and recommend a trip to London for

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
