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Class of 2024
Global Studies
My name is Ian Clark, I am a current junior at St. Lawrence. I study government as my main focus, with a dual minor in history and global studies.
Summer 2022

During my summer in DC, I was working for the Energy and Commerce Committee-Subcommittee Consumer Protection and Commerce. My time was informative, as I learned many things involving policy. Such as legislative research, stakeholder meetings, committee research, and much more. The process allowed me to see the inner workings of the most powerful and productive committee on the Hill, providing me with vast knowledge.  

The main assignment I worked on my entire time in DC was ADPPA (American Data Privacy Protection Act). The work allowed me to conduct work on a national privacy bill, informing me how an important bill is created, debated, and worked on. I specifically worked with stake holders, such as Facebook, Google, Cable companies, and others within the industry across the US in developing the bill. Furthermore, I conducted work with staff to help create sections of the bill.  

Overall, the experience showed me the inner production of Congress. It taught me that creating a bill is not simple, but rather is a vasty complicated, complex, process built on a lot of dumb luck. I learned many skills, such as working under the clock, completing many assignments, and having the patience that it takes to work on the Hill.  

The experience opened my eyes to possibly taking on a career in public policy, helping members, staff, and outside public forces in creating vital legislation. 

United States of America
