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Class of 2025
Computer Science
My name is Mileena Blazonis but most people call me Em. I am going into my senior year at St. Lawrence university. I am a computer science major with a chemistry minor, although when I started college, I had plans to major in chemistry. When I took my first computer...
Summer 2024

Starting during my sophomore year at St. Lawrence University, I worked an on-campus job in the chemistry stockroom. I have worked closely with Suna StoneMcmasters, the Chemical Hygiene and Environmental Compliance Officer, and in doing so this Internship Fellowship was born. 

I had expressed concerns over how the data within the stockroom was stored and updated, and with my knowledge in computer science, had suggested ways to streamline this process. Working together this summer, Suna and I have started to create a website to store and categorize all this information in a modernized way. Before, updating chemical storage information was tedious and required manual entry. Now, we have a survey attached to the website where it will automatically update the location based on how a student or professor fills out the survey. We hope to push it even further with a QR coding system so one quick scan using your phone camera can streamline the process even further. Other useful information can be found easily within this website, like safety data sheets for any of the chemicals. 

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