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Class of 2019
Asian Studies
Film and Representation Studies
Fall 2017

Over the course of my semester abroad in London, I devoted my time to immerse myself in the theater and film scene of England’s capital. My strong focus on theater and film has encouraged me to build upon my past experiences and actively explore a potential career field.

My project really started in the spring of 2017, when I determined my goal for my upcoming semester in London. I realized that London has a lot of opportunities to offer and that I wanted to take advantage of that. Due to my passion for theatre and film, I planned to use my time in the metropolis to enrich my knowledge of the global theatre and film scene. In doing so, I aimed to challenge my own perspective through participating in a diverse set of cultural events.

After setting my goal and receiving the grant that enabled to execute my plan, I engaged in further preparation over the summer of 2017. Specifically, I created a running document with high-quality theaters and cinemas and I started to plan my theatre visits. A wide range of (movie) theaters served as a potential venue to pursue my curiosity: from the well-known theaters (Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, the Curtain Theatre, etc.) to the rather alternative theaters (Tara Theatre, Regent Street Cinema, etc.). In selecting film screenings, I concentrated on documentaries and art house movies. In selecting theater productions, I kept a broader scope. Upon arrival in London, I felt ready to absorb my academic, professional and personal passions.

The result is rather impressive: I visited twenty-three theaters and cinemas covering a wide variety of topics and styles, I participated in two daylong workshops and I attended four film festivals with seven Q&A’s. Especially through my commitment to learning and pro-active participation in career-oriented events, the project became enriching to my academic career. By experiencing the venues and their screenings or plays, I explored British culture, opened up to different art forms, and engaged in a constant flow of ideas. By getting involved through workshops and Q&A’s, I sought out a potential career field, while expanding my personal networks and opening my eyes to potential new academic challenges.

My cultural project has caused me to experience London to the fullest, while studying abroad there. Without the D. Douglas Andrews Memorial Award and Cabot Family Endowment for International and Intercultural Education, I would not have been to delve into London’s enriching world and therefore grow in the way I have done now.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

